Memory Card – How To store Data & How It’s Work | FACTSKINGDOM

How Does The Chip Know How To Store So Much Data?
Chip(memory Card) Know How To Keep All This Data. What Happens Inside The Chip?

Hello, Friends Welcome To All Of You. Friends, We Are Going To Learn From Here Today That After All, The Chief Who We Use The Memory Card, How Can She Keep So Much Data Inside Herself In Such A Small Device? So Friends, Read This Carefully So That You Will Know That What Is It After All In The Chip, So That We Can Keep A Lot Of Data Inside It. FACTSKINGDOM

Friends, First Of All Let Us Talk About Chip :-

This One Is Actually Made Of Silicone. If You Talk About It Completely, It Is Made Of Silicone.

Silicon Is Found In Large Quantities Inside The Earth But Many Elements Are Mixed With It. About One Million Electronic Elements Are Found In 1 Centimeter Of A Silicon Chip. The Size Of An Ordinary Silicone Is Smaller Than Our Fingertip. So Actually The Structure Of The Microchip Is Done In Such A Way That It Is Used In Radio, Calculators, Computers, And Clocks, Etc.

How Is A Chip Made?

First Of All, I Want To Tell You More Here That The Silicon Chip Is Made Of A Silicon Crystal. Five Thick Silicon Chips Are Made From It, Then They Are Polished From One Side And Then It Is Oxidized In The Furnace. We Then Wrap The Disc In A Sheet Of A Photo Rest Element. After Which It Is Also Illuminated Under Ultraviolet Light.

After This, It Goes Through Many Such Machines Or Chemicals Again In The Furnace And After That It Gives Up Most Of Its Silicon. After This, A Sheet Of Brass Ammonium Is Plated And All The Parts Of The Metal Are Joined Together. After This It Is Also Sent To The Laboratory Where It Is Tested Thoroughly And It Is Seen By Using It.

After Passing Through All The Machines, It Is Sent For Its Work. These Chips Are Being Used In Washing Sewing Machines And Many Electronic Items. Policy Is Growing The Basis Of Technology From Nanotechnology Is Also Silicon Chip.

So Friends, How Did You Get This Little Information, Friends? Here Today We Were Talking About How A Thing Can Combine So Many Data Inside Itself. So Friends, Thank You Very Much For Reading Friends If You First-time Visit Here Then Definitely Follow Us. If You Have Any Questions, Then You Can Write In The Comment Below, Friends, I Will Try To Answer It As Soon As Possible, Then See You. Till Then Stay Tuned With Such Posts.


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